Looking for something specific….?
Ok, so my pet rat was my greatest pet. Today, I had to put him asleep and I didn’t have the emotional strength to take him and bury him. I wanted to find a nice charm for a Pandora of a rat. It doesn’t have to be a “Pandora brand” charm. It just has to fit it. Any help? Thanks.
this looks like a good charm site: http://www.pandoracharmbracelets.com/
its kinda the main site, so ur going to have to click around a little. i just wanted to give you the general area so you can look at all types. im sorry for ur loss. good luck and hope this helps. p.s. when you bury your friend, either put a heavy stone on the grave or some kind of cement cause otherwise animals can dig it up, i no its really sad but its what happens. the stone or cement will ensure that ur little guy is safe.