present ideas anyone? 15 year old girl! ?
hi, well its close to chirstmas and i need to think of things for chirsmas.
im 15 year old girl and im quite girly but not too girly.
th things iv alredy asked for are
- new mobile phone
- xbox game
- perfume
- xbox live card
- money
i dont want clothes unless its like a nice hoodyand it CANNOT be too expensive
plz help cos im just stuck for idea
…. i was thinking of a nice charm bracelet as i dont want a pandora bracelet bcos im getting one for my birthday.
i live in the UK
oh and i dont really have hobbies like sports or making stuff or anything
oh and i alredy have a laptop, ugg boots (real), phone, xbox, ipod, TV, camera…
jesus christ you sound like such a spoilt brat!!
how about you make a list of things you could get OTHER PEOPLE for christmas and stop thinking about yourself for once!!