would you be angry ?
i cant even be bothered to explain what im angry about.
stupid auntie, i dislike her.
we have been planning to go out for a big family meal for years (for my grandma’s 75th birthday)
and because my auntie ‘has no money’ because she spends it all on STUPID things (personal trainer, running machine, meals to expensive resturants, pandora bracelets, etc) yeah she decided that because she cant afford it now the rest of the family (20 other people) have to suffer now and go for a crappy party at her house. which we always do
D: im sooo dont want to go, but i do at the same time for my grandma
wow valery a……you just did, einstein.
of course i would be angry, i mean who wouldnt? 75 is an important year to be celebrating for your grandma, but if she doesn’t mind a bad party, then i would probably just suck it up and deal. the party isn’t for your aunt, so she doesn’t deserve all the attention you’re giving her.