Are there any insurance companies who pay up if your home is robbed by a ‘friend”?

I had a so called friend visit today and she stole my purse and my half full Pandora bracelet which was a precious birthday gift. I have since confronted her, and reported it to the police who told me they will investigate but most likely they will not. When I contacted my insurer (RACT) who I have never made a claim with in the 11 yrs I have been with them, they told me that I am not covered for people who have been invited in and stolen things. Is this the same across the board with all insurers and policies?

Because she has been in your home with your permission, that is why you aren’t covered – most insurers won’t even cover you if you leave your door unlocked and someone walks in and steals stuff.

Commonwealth bank insurance gives you some cover (I think like $500) for stuff like that – people stealing stuff from parties or guests taking stuff.. but they’re one of the only companies I know – most will say you need to have proof that force has been used to break in…

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